Information and communication technology (ICT) has
profound impact on re-designing tourism, by transforming the connections among sightseeing spot,
agency, people, bus, boat, and so on. Leveraging big data from multiple sources and dramatically
developing AI technologies, governments worldwide are seeking new ways to provide more satisfactory
services to make their people happier. AI and Smart tourism, as a relatively new concept and vision,
responds to such a request. In this conference, we hope to bring international scholars to explore the
meaning, applications, practices, and issues related to AI and smart tourism. The topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
Big data analytics and business intelligence
Chair: Albert Huang, University of the Pacific, USA
Blockchain and smart technologies
Chair: Ravi Sharma, Canterbury Business School, New Zealand
Collaborative commerce and sharing economy
Chair: Yue Guo, King College London, UK
Cultural and social issues related to electronic business
Chair: Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Digital marketing and consumer behavior
Chair: Chong Guan, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Digital transformations in enterprises
Chair: Sun Yuan, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
E-governance, policy and law
Chair: Niloufer Selvadurai, Macquarie Law School, Australia
E-healthcare and gerontechnology
Chair: Pei Lee Teh, Monash University at KL, Malaysia
Chair: Ping Yu, University of Wollongong, Australia
Knowledge management and sharing
Chair: Michael C.L. Chau, University of Hong Kong, China
New technology adoption and diffusion
Chair: Timon C. Du, CUHK Business School, Hong Kong, China
Chair: Feng Li, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Security and privacy issues
Chair: Cooper C. Y. Ku, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Chair: Xiong, Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Smart cities and Internet of Things
Chair: Wei-Hsi (Frank) Hung, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Smart tourism and hospitality
Social media and social computing
Chair: Hsinlu Chang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Chair: Kai Wang, National Kaohsiung University, Taiwan
Strategies and models of electronic business
Supply chain management and e-logistics
Chair: Benjamin Yen, University of Hong Kong, China
Virtual communities and social commerce
Chair: Jao-Hong Cheng, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Web mining and recommendation systems
Other related issues
Chair: Eldon Y. Li, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan