Keynote Speakers:
Vladimir Zwass
The Gregory Olsen Endowed Chair in Mathematics, Science and Engineering Fairleigh Dickinson University
Journal of Management Information Systems and International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce (EC) has reached the stage where its development
significantly affects the well-being of nations, communities, and
individuals. Over the two and a half decades of the contemporary EC,
there have emerged several foundational ideas that shape this
development. The keynote will name, classify, and discuss these ideas,
focusing on their positive significance as well as on their dark side. The
Roman god of duality, Janus, symbolizes this approach. It is argued that
the time has come for a sustained research program within the EC
research that would aim at limiting the potential for harm of the big ideas
that have brought so much beneficence to our world.
Biographical notes:
Vladimir Zwass is the founding and present Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Management Information
Systems, a top-ranked FT50 journal, and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce,
the leading scholarly e-commerce journal. Dr. Zwass is Gregory Olsen Endowed Chair and University
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Management Information Systems at Fairleigh
Dickinson University, USA. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University. He is the author
of six books and several book chapters, as well as a number of papers in various journals and conference
proceedings. Professor Zwass has received several grants, consulted for a number of major corporations, and
is a frequent speaker to national and international audiences. He is a former member of the Professional
Staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria.
Patrick Y.K. Chau
Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Management University of Hong Kong
Information & Management
Defined by the United Nations, sustainability development is about
development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Seventeen sustainable development goals and their re lated 169 targets
were set by the United Nations in a 2015 UN Summit for the year 2030.
These goals and targets compose of three core elements: economic
growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. In the past five
years, big data-driven analytics has extensively penetrated both
academic and practical spheres. Harnessing its power in processing large
volumes of information, big data analytics techniques can, at least
theoretically, help people to discover more truths and make better
decisions. Big data’s potential impact on alleviating sustainability
development issues hinges on several aspects. First, interactions
between people, resources, ecosystems and climate can be analysed
using big data gathered from society and the environment. Second, interactions between consumers,
companies, suppliers and markets can be optimized for sustainable development. Third, the inter-related
impacts that the business world and natural world have on each other can also be further investigated. This
talk aims to give an overview of the potentials of conducting big data analytics research for sustainability.
Biographical notes:
Professor Patrick Y.K. CHAU is Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Management and
Associate Dean at the Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong. He received his
PhD in business administration from the Ivey Business School, The University of Western Ontario in 1992. He
is known for his research in IT adoption/implementation and electronic commerce. He has over 90 journal
publications which are well cited by scholars in the academic community. Many of his papers published in
various top-tier and highly reputed journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information
Systems, and many others. As of September 2018, the total number of citations of his papers in Google
Scholar reaches over 17,000 with an H-index of 50. He is currently the Editor-in- Chief of Information &
Management and a Senior Editor of Journal of the Association for Information Systems. He holds Chang Jiang
Scholar Chair Professorship awarded by the Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China in March 2010,
Padma and Hari Harilela Professorship in Strategic Information Management at The University of Hong Kong
in February 2014, Qiushi Chair Professorship at Zhejiang University, China in Sept. 2014, and Li Dak Sum Chair
Professorship at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China in Sept. 2017. He also received the AIS Fellow
Award, awarded by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) to no more than six scholars in the discipline
of Information Systems each year globally, in December 2013.
Ho-fung Leung
Professor in Computer Science and Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The study of emergence of social norms has been one of the interesting
research topics in multiagent systems. We start this talk by an
introduction to the notation of autonomous agents and multiagent
systems in artificial intelligence, and a brief review of previous research
work on norm emergence in multiagent systems. We then present our
recent work on local convention phenomena, a type of interesting
phenomena, which may also exist in certain multiagent systems. When
agents are partitioned into comp act communities, different local
conventions emerge in different communities. We also discuss the case
that agents are aware of the social value of each action under prisoner's
dilemma games. During decision-making, agents weigh different actions
based on the social values and their individual payoffs. We model such
agents' behaviours with the notion of social value orientation. An
experimental study is conducted on different kinds of agent societies. It is shown that dynamic equilibrium
phenomena emerge as the ultimate state in some agent societies, and agents eventually develop
individualistic or altruistic orientations.
Biographical notes:
Ho-fung Leung is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese
University of Hong Kong. His research interests cover various aspects centring around artificial intelligence,
including ontologies, intelligent agents, complex systems, and social computing. Professor Leung has
authored more than 200 publications, including 5 research monographs, and 4 edited volumes. Professor
Leung was the chairperson of ACM (Hong Kong Chapter) in 1998. He is a Chartered Fellow of the BCS, a
Fellow of the HKIE, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a full member the HKCS. He is a Chartered Engineer
registered by the Engineering Council. Professor Leung received his BSc and MPhil degrees in Computer
Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his PhD degree from University of London with DIC
(Diploma of Imperial College) in Computing from Imperial College London.
Xiuwen Yi
Technical Leader of Intelligent Solution Division Urban Computing Business Unit of JD Digits JD Group, China
Deep learning (DL) have been successfully applied to various domains,
such as computer vision and natural language processing. Being different
with these domains, spatio-temporal data has unique spatial and
temporal properties. This talk focuses on spatio-temporal data,
investigating the novel deep learning technologies and introducing
application-oriented deep learning methods. Also, a series of deployed
applications, such as DL-based air quality forecasting, water quality
prediction, and crowd flow prediction are presented in this talk.
Biographical notes:
Dr. Xiuwen Yi is the Technical Leader of Intelligent Solution Division,
Urban Computing Business Unit of JD Digits. Before joining JD Group, he
was a visiting scholar at Pennsylvania State University. His research interests focus on urban computing. He
has published over 10 research papers in refereed conferences (e.g., KDD, IJCAI) and journals (e.g., AI, TKDE).
Also, he is experienced with building real-world applications of AI technology. For example, UrbanAir has
been deployed with the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection to provide fine-grained air quality
predictions for 300+ cities.